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Kali ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Joined: 18.Nov.2007 Location: Slovenia Status: Offline Points: 3419 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posted: 08.May.2024 at 10:10 |
Me čudi da v zdejšnjem času tole še ni dobilo svoje debate...zakaj? ker se bližamo digitalizaciji denarja. države in banke delajo na svojih digitalnih valutah - CBDCjih (Central Bank Digital Currency)
samo v zadnjem dnevu so 3je članki skočili ven na to temo: pa začnimo z Evropsko centralno banko European Central Bank (ECB) Executive has teased the importance of digital currencies (CBDC) in driving financial stability - pomembnost digitalnih valut za finančno STABILNOST Švicarska nacionalna banka testira CBDCje Indija med tem CBDCje že ima. zaenkrat še vzporedno s svojo FIAT valuto. Zakaj se mi zdi to področje zanimivo in pomembno? - ker je trenutno na svetu le 5% ljudi karkoli investiralo v kripto. države in banke pa delajo na implementaciji CBDCjev že lep čas. in večino ljudi bo to lopnilo po glavi. pa ne čez 10 let ampak čez 1-3leta. teorije zarote grejo v smer da bojo CBDCji vezani na digitalni ID skupaj z nekakšnimi socialnimi točkami. kitajska vemo da že ima sistem socialnih točk. v avstraliji so pa digitalne IDje že izdali nekaterim državnim uradnikom al parlamentarcem - nevem točno če so že za navadno rajo. Kripto zaenkrat še ni enotno reguliran. pri nas zaslužki iz kripta niso obdavčeni še, razen če se s tem ukvarjaš poklicno. pa bojda znajo sitnarit če več trguješ s tem in moraš dokazovat da pač nisi poklicno v tem. trenutno je EU sprejela zakon ki prepoveduje anonimne kripto denarnice - pač hočejo vedt kdo ma kej. zakon še ni v veljavi. bo v naslednjih 2eh letih. Prihaja tudi sprejetje regulacije MICA (Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation) na ravni EU. bomo prvi ki bomo dobili neko širšo regulacijo. predvideva se da bo preostali svet samo prekopiral MICo in priredil malo po svoje ampak osnova bo enotna. zakaj? ker bo svet moral trgovat med sabo in nima smisla da ma vsaka država pravila malo po svoje. Večina ljudi ma kripto tam za en lari fari in se mu posmehujejo. med tem je letos Blackrock izdal svoj Bitcoin ETF (An exchange-traded fund (ETF) is a type of investment fund that is also an exchange-traded product, i.e., it is traded on stock exchanges.) in s tem BTC odprl navadnim investitorjem na borzi. zaradi tega je BTC letos dosegel svoj vrh precej hitro. smo namreč v novem bikovskem trendu ki pride naokoli približno vsake 4leta okoli BTC halvinga oz. časa ko BTC rudarji narudarijo vse BTCje za tisto obdobje in se število BTCjev ki jih lahko naprej narudarijo prepolovi. BTCjev bo izdanih samo določeno število. ko bojo vsi narudarjeni jih ne bo več. zato se Bitcoinu reče tudi digitalno zlato. ne da se ga tiskat in kopirat kot denar brez kritja. in halving vsake 4 leta povzroči skok v rasti cene BTCja. letos predvidevajo skok do 150 000€. trenutno smo okoli 60 000€. ampak vstop BTC ETFov na trg je to spremenil in ene napovedi so naravnost nore. poleg ameriške borze je 2 tedna nazaj Bitcoin in Etherum ETFe izdala še hongkonška borza. Šef Blackrocka je rekel da bo v prihodnosti tokenizirano vse. Kdaj bojo še ostale večje kriptovalute dobile svoje ETFe je samo še vprašanje časa. Uglavnem jes se kriptu več ne bi posmehovala in kdor ne bo to mal začel spremljat ga bojo državno in bančno kontrolirani CBDCji lopnili po glavi. zarat vseh nevarnosti ki jih CBDC predstavlja verjemte da nočete bit denarno odvisni samo od tega. You will own nothing and be happy je bilo v videu od World Economic Foruma pred nekaj leti. Edited by Kali - 08.May.2024 at 10:12 |
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Kali ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Joined: 18.Nov.2007 Location: Slovenia Status: Offline Points: 3419 |
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naslednja stvar ki prihaja z kriptomin o kateri govorijo tudi vodilni z Blackrocka je tokenizacija vsega. ja tudi naših hiš, avtomobilov itd. Vse nameravajo spravit na blockchain tehnologijo.
ASSET TOKENIZATION članek z chat GPTjem sem mela manjši pogovor da to razloži kot otroku: Imagine you have a bunch of your favorite toys, like cars and dolls. Now, what if you could turn each of these toys into something like a special coin? That's what this article is talking about, but with grown-up stuff like money and investments instead of toys.
See, people want to make it easier to trade and share their money and valuable things, like houses or fancy art. So, they're figuring out a way to turn these things into special digital coins. It's like if you could trade your toy car for a toy doll directly, without needing to use real money. But here's the cool part: these digital coins keep track of who owns what, just like how you know your toy car belongs to you. It helps keep everything fair and organized. Plus, it's easier to move these digital coins around the internet, kind of like how you can send pictures to your friends on your tablet. So, in simple words, this article is all about turning important stuff into digital coins so people can share and trade them easily, like swapping toys with your friends! Alright, let's pretend you have a really cool house, just like your favorite toy. Now, imagine instead of selling it the old-fashioned way, where someone gives you a bunch of money and then they get the house, you turn your house into a special digital coin, like magic! When you tokenize your house, it means you make a digital version of it that people can buy using their computer or phone. So, instead of giving someone a big pile of money, they can give you some digital coins that represent the value of your house. Then, just like trading toys with your friends, you can swap these digital coins for something else you want, like a smaller house or maybe even some super fun toys! But remember, it's not as simple as just clicking a button. There are grown-ups who help make sure everything is fair and legal, just like your mom or dad might help you trade toys with your friends. So, by tokenizing your house, you can make it easier for people to buy and sell houses without having to handle all that paper and money stuff. Cool, right? Imagine you want to sell your house. Normally, you'd have to go through a lot of paperwork and meet with lots of people to make sure everything is done right. But with tokenization, it's like putting your house on the internet in a special way. First, you work with some special people who turn your house into digital coins, kind of like turning your favorite toy into a special coin. Then, these digital coins represent your house's value. Now, instead of finding someone who has a big bag of money, you can find someone who wants to buy your house and give them these digital coins. Here's where it gets interesting: because these digital coins are easy to move around online, people from all over the world can buy a piece of your house without ever meeting you in person. It's like having a big online yard sale where people can buy parts of your house without actually visiting it. And when someone buys these digital coins that represent your house, they become the new owner of a piece of your house. So, instead of dealing with piles of paper and lots of meetings, you can sell your house more quickly and easily to someone who wants it, even if they live far away! So, while the end result might seem similar—you get something valuable in exchange for your house—tokenization makes the process faster, easier, and accessible to more people all around the world. Just like how you can have a whole pizza instead of slices, tokenizing the entire house means that one person or entity owns the entire property. This is often the case when someone wants to sell their entire house using tokenization. So, if you wanted to sell your entire house as a digital token, someone could buy that token and become the sole owner of the house. This way, the ownership of the entire property is transferred in one transaction, similar to selling a house in the traditional way. |
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Kali ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Joined: 18.Nov.2007 Location: Slovenia Status: Offline Points: 3419 |
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počasi se nakupu kripto valut pridrožujejo še ZDA...El Salvador je že na njem. uradno.
članek: Wisconsin nakupil 167$ mil BTC ETFa |
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