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Zanimivo internetno branje.

Printed From: Paranoid Metal Webzine
Category: Ostalo
Forum Name: Ostalo
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Printed Date: 28.Apr.2024 at 22:44
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Topic: Zanimivo internetno branje.
Posted By: polopoklip
Subject: Zanimivo internetno branje.
Date Posted: 17.Apr.2008 at 21:44
Če imamo že diskusiji o slikah in kratkih filmih, potem pa imejmo še to.
Vas je danes med surfanjem po internetu kakšna stvar, ki ste jo prebrali, navdušila/ razjezila/ nasmejala/ šokirala/ zamorila/ zmedla in ste mnenja, da bi zadeva utegnila zanimat tudi ostalo ruljo, potem tukaj nalepite link in zagotovljeno vam bo nebeško kraljestvo.

Blogi, intervjuji, resni ali malo manj resni članki, kuharski recepti,... - ni važno kaj.
Edino pomembno je, da se VAM zdi vredno branja.

Bom jaz začel.

Komentarji so zaželjeni.

...separation of delusion and cum...

Posted By: rožica
Date Posted: 17.Apr.2008 at 21:55

Owje! Zakon tema!

Za začetek dve specialne. -
Kako preživeti čase, ko bojo se zombiji potikali naokrog. Vsebuje vse od priporočljivega arzenala, do napotkov kam se je nevarno skrit in kakšni so lahko preventivni ukrepi, katere soborce je fino rekrutirat, kakšne so največje napake, ki jih lahko naredite, kakšni tipi zombijev bodo najverjetneje obstajali... -
A steampunk magazine's guide to the apocalypse. Stran se bo mogoč nalagala mal dolg, je pa v bistvu narjen zlo lepo, zanimivo branje.
Glede polopoklipovega posta... Zanimivo. Js bi to mogoče celo enkrat probu s tem da bi mogoče pred tem bla ena okusna večerja, pa seveda ena skrbno izbrana glasba, nevem če metal, nekaj skrajno umirjenega in pomirjajočega. Razen če bi bil nekje višje v hribih ali ob morju da bi bil deležn a) popolne tišine b) glasbe valov. Pa poudarek bi bil na kvaliteti pijače seveda, nikakor na kvantiteti.  :) Ne bi pa nikakor prakticiru pogosto, ne hvala. Smile  

Posted By: devlin
Date Posted: 18.Apr.2008 at 16:40

Ko smo že ravno pri uncyclopedii... -

The Optimistic Cynic: Remaining completely oblivious to the tragedy of existence." rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 19.Apr.2008 at 04:13
The zen of drinking alone je zakon!
Napisano je tako prepričljivo, da me je, še preden sem prebral do konca,  zagrabilo, da bi se ga nacedil (zdajle mi je na voljo le bolnišnični alkohol, kar je za pussyja mojega kova nekoliko prehudo). Doslej sem alkohol uporabljal le kot socialni lubrikant, pijansko soliranje pa bo od danes naprej pri meni uvrščeno tudi v kategorijo "načini samospoznavanja". :)

Že večkrat sem na Paranoidu težil z Blažem Ogorevcem, ta tema pa je kot nalašč, da ponovno opozorim nanj.
Nekaj zapisov, ki jih je objavil v Mladini: - - Od perdza - Brezna in vršaci umetnosti - Gospodar vseh živali na zemlji (o Idiju Aminu) - Šmarjak, pankrt slovenskih vin - Blišč in beda mesarstva - "Bizarni pisec, samohodec in razumnik" - Kurbarija, 1.del - Kurbarija, 2. del - Kurbarija, 3. del - Kurbarija, 4. del - Kurbarija, 5. del - Kako se hecajo pametni Slovenci - Janša, takrat še zagret komunist - - Okusi človeka - Okusi človeka, 2. del - Pomladni prosti spis - Skromen gizdalin (o Prešernu) - Cilj so nebesa - Pobalinske radosti - Gospod prašičev - Katra v grmovju - Nage babe so hudir - Boleče prezrta obletnica - Eksotična kulinarika, 1. del - Eksotična kulinarika, 2. del - Eksotična kulinarika, 3. del - Eksotična kulinarika, 4. del - Eksotična kulinarika, 5. del - Abortirane ribe - Rastafarijanska kuhinja

  Komur je všeč njegov slog pisanja, naj si omisli knjigo Tropska melanholija; tudi nekatere njegove pesmi niso od muh.

Zame bo žalosten dan, ko ga bo ugonobila jetrna ciroza/ljubosumna baba/katera od spolno prenosljivih bolezni...

Posted By: polopoklip
Date Posted: 19.Apr.2008 at 18:50
rožica: si steampunk manijak ali si na to zadevo naletel po naključju?
Hehe, če si, potem grem stavit, da nosiš to zadevo vedno pri sebi, če se kam odpraviš. :P -

Ko smo ravno pri steampunku, tole sem pred časom našel na nekem forumu in razmišljam, da bi poskusil naredit nekaj podobnega. - -
Umetnina ali kič? KIČ!

tonckow: sem vedel, da se lahko zanesem nate, da se bo tukaj znašlo kar nekaj blazno kul linkov. \m/
Ženskulja je pika na i. Celo večnost sem potreboval, da sem opazil, da se za njo skriva nek možakar, ki je verjetno Blaž Ogorevc. :D 

...separation of delusion and cum...

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 20.Apr.2008 at 21:37
Ni sicer branje je pa poslušanje:
The Future of the Internet - and How to Stop It - -
Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism -

Posted By: frogstomp
Date Posted: 22.Apr.2008 at 16:07
prebral the zen of drinking; zakon zadeva, res so se mi kr sline pocedile, supr je napisano. mam kolega k to prakticira že dlje časa, sicer pa ni tega nikoli bral, čist samopovzročeno. 2litra vina poleg pojstle pa popit do jutra ko je sam doma. probajmo

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 23.Apr.2008 at 05:17
Originally posted by polopoklip polopoklip wrote:

tonckow: sem vedel, da se lahko zanesem nate, da se bo tukaj znašlo kar nekaj blazno kul linkov. \m/
Ženskulja je pika na i. Celo večnost sem potreboval, da sem opazil, da se za njo skriva nek možakar, ki je verjetno Blaž Ogorevc. :D 

Vse, le da si zagotovim nebeško kraljestvo!
Ja, tisto prikupno bitje iskrivega pogleda je prav on. :)

Posted By: polopoklip
Date Posted: 23.Apr.2008 at 06:44,23599,23394290-401,00.html -,23599,23394290-401,00.html,23599,23407034-1702,00.html -,23599,23407034-1702,00.html


...separation of delusion and cum...

Posted By: frogstomp
Date Posted: 24.Apr.2008 at 20:20
poslušal future of internet.. dbest, nasploh obožujem ljudi k so sposobni zanimivo nepretrgoma govort debelo uro.. nism pa bil preveč pozorn k sm zravn še tipkal po paranoidu, parim skečom sm se pa nasmejal:)

Posted By: Bögy Rewesz
Date Posted: 24.Apr.2008 at 22:44 -


"Ušesa imaš mrzla kakor sova v kotličku"


Posted By: polopoklip
Date Posted: 03.May.2008 at 17:07 - - - -

I Heart Wiki.

...separation of delusion and cum...

Posted By: Tyrant
Date Posted: 03.May.2008 at 17:36
Originally posted by polopoklip polopoklip wrote: - - - -

I Heart Wiki.
sploh Christine Chubbuck.

To err is arr is pirate. mjau

Posted By: Tyrant
Date Posted: 03.May.2008 at 17:42
aja, a je kdo gledu učeri Intervju z ljudožercem na TV3? -

To err is arr is pirate. mjau

Posted By: N.J.C.
Date Posted: 03.May.2008 at 21:01
Ja mi smo pr Viliju mal ujel in smo bli stanju primerno šokirani :)


Posted By: devlin
Date Posted: 04.May.2008 at 12:10
Strange - taka smrt ni nič novega. Če si praktično dehidriran, žejen,... se ti lahko mimogrede zgodi, sploh ker se mi zdi da so se vsi tekmovalci - logično - vzdrževali pitja. Ob pretiranem vnosu tekočine se ti lahko zgodi da ti otečejo možgani, sledi pa koma in smrt.
Zato se v ameriški (in večini drugih) vojski učijo piti. Ker če tečeš po puščavi z 40 kg opreme na hrbtu moraš vedeti par stvari če slučajno srečaš vodnjak in ga hočeš izprazniti.
Ta ameriška tekmovanja pa so višek. Enkrat sem na mtv videl ko so študentje/ke za par dolarjev počeli razne ponižujoče bedarije. Žrli čebulo in si rigali v obraz, ena ki je imela hude hooterje je z njimi slikala na majico,... Seveda se je raja strašno zabavala. Ne vem, meni se take scene zdijo primitivne.

The Optimistic Cynic: Remaining completely oblivious to the tragedy of existence." rel="nofollow">

Posted By: rožica
Date Posted: 04.May.2008 at 12:50
Prevč primitivno ja.
Da vsečem en napol offtopic.
Se sanja komu, koliko destilirane vode bi mogu nekdo popit, da bi to povzročilo njegovo smrt ali resnejše težave? In kakšna bi bila ta smrt, hitra/počasna... ? Je bral kdo že kdaj kaj o tem?
Pa ja, seveda, mislu sm pitje brez zauživanja mineralov ipd. snovi s hrano.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 04.May.2008 at 17:16
Enkrat sem bral, mislim, da je blo okrog 10-11 litrov omenjeno.

Posted By: polopoklip
Date Posted: 04.May.2008 at 17:25
Originally posted by Tyrant Tyrant wrote:

aja, a je kdo gledu učeri Intervju z ljudožercem na TV3? -

Ne razumem zakaj je dobil dosmrtno ječo, kljub temu da se je njegova žrtev strinjala s celotno zadevo.
Verjetno je imel pritisk medijev prste vmes, da so mu namesto uboja sodili za umor.

Najbolj smešno zame pri celotni zadevi je pa tole, kar sem našel na Wikipediji.
  • Other songs inspired by Meiwes' story include "The Wüstenfeld Man Eater" by American - death / - thrash metal band - Macabre , "Eaten" by Swedish death metal band - Bloodbath , - [9] as well as "Cannibal Anthem" by German dark electro project - :wumpscut: .
  • Rock artist - Marilyn Manson has identified Meiwes as inspirational in the titling of his album, - Eat Me, Drink Me . Manson explained in an article what this story meant to him: "Although I can't relate to the relationship those two had, I found the story very compelling in a romantic way. I think a lot of people wouldn’t look at it as romantic, but it was to them in some sick way, and it is to me in some sick way, too." - [10]
Ahh, metal scena kdo bo tebe ljubil? LOL

...separation of delusion and cum...

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 05.May.2008 at 03:54
Hehe, Wikipedia je zakon, ja!

"Darwin Awards have been given for people who do a service to Humanity by removing themselves from the Gene pool, i.e., lose the ability to reproduce either by death or sterilization."

Tu je obsežen seznam junaštev, ki so si prislužila to laskavo priznanje: -

Posted By: devlin
Date Posted: 05.May.2008 at 13:43
Heh, zadnjič sem bral eno odpiljeno teorijo ki naj bi temeljila na sumerskih zapisih da naj bi bili gensko mutirani poizkus nezemljanov in da so si tako zagotovili raso delavcev.
Samo še vedno nihče ne ve od kje je kar nenadoma uletel Kromanjonec in izbrisal Neandertalca.

The Optimistic Cynic: Remaining completely oblivious to the tragedy of existence." rel="nofollow">

Posted By: polopoklip
Date Posted: 05.May.2008 at 22:04
Originally posted by Tonckow Tonckow wrote: -

HAHAHA, upam da bo nekoč moja smrt vredna omembe na tej strani! \m/

...separation of delusion and cum...

Posted By: devlin
Date Posted: 06.May.2008 at 13:30
Najboljš : )

The Optimistic Cynic: Remaining completely oblivious to the tragedy of existence." rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Jan Ov Plain
Date Posted: 07.May.2008 at 00:18,2933,354327,00.html - Florida Substitute Teacher Fired, Accused of Wizardry
Pizda, WIZARDRY, no!:D Kaj jim je?!:S

Occam's razor can leave a scar, but it can remove the cancer so often caused by the poison of liars and imaginers.

Ignorant men raise questions that wise men answered a thousand years ago.

Posted By: devlin
Date Posted: 07.May.2008 at 15:47
Bojijo se da bi njihova šola postala paradiž za mlade Potter wannabije.

The Optimistic Cynic: Remaining completely oblivious to the tragedy of existence." rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 09.May.2008 at 13:22
Nekaj na temo krize s hrano:
Kdo naj bi bil v ozadju: -
(Pod člankom je celo nekaj pametnih komentarjev... ok, tisti na koncu, o New World Order in Bilderberg group so že malo mimo, se mi zdi...)
O povezavi cene nafte in hrane: -
Slovenski članek: -

Posted By: frogstomp
Date Posted: 12.May.2008 at 20:09
moja tema o forumih ni uspela tko da kopiram sem, vredno kakšnega klika:

gledate kj drugega kt paranoid? priporočila dobrodošla

pred parimi leti se sploh nism brigal za forume, takrt mi je bil bolj všeč irc, zdej sm se pa navadil na arhiviranje besed. o mn3njalniku in porn forumih na katerih sem registriran se mi zdi škoda zgubljat besed, bi pa izpostavu in priporoču par forumov, povabljam k udeležbi; - Skyscrapercity

forum za ljubitelje arhitekture, na njem najdete t.i. "projects and construction thread", kjer se govori o gradbenih projektih v mestih, naprimer če vas zanima kaj vam postavljajo pred blokom v ljubljani že cel mesec pa iz temeljev še ni razvidno, se lahko pozanimate - tu

za tiste ki se radi poglobljeno ukvarjate z izgledom mesta, pa vam google photo searc engine ni dovolj je precej tem, zame recimo najbolj aktualni sta photo temi - kranj in - ljubljana - slovensko podeželje - Metalcamp forum

odnos do festivala z druge perspektive, kjer je manj nergačev.

!!!POZOR!!! obstaja možnost da boste tu prestopili meje svojega mnenja o bednih organizatorjih ki prpeljejo same gnile bande. ogled na lastno odgovornost.

"Last year, while spending time in the Soca, I noticed none of the sticks ( tree branches that had fallen in the river) had the capacity to float, they went with the current of the river but at the bottom.

Then one day a stick came floating down stream floating, I got so excited I had to have it. So sure enough, I manged to get it and I brought it back to the UK and I still have it today. My intention was to take it back and release it back into the wild to see if it still floats in the Soca.

It was the only stick in Slovenia that seemed to float.

With regard to the tickets and sticks, I would assume they mean anything that could be use as a weapon, baseball bats etc etc"

forum je poln "LOL" komentarjev, priporočam. - Dotsis

forum za pimpanje nokia in drugih telefonov ki jih poganja Symbian OS. Priporočam, po zaslugi tega foruma na svoji 6630 igram doom I, II, igre za sego (sonic, mortal combat), in klasike igralnih avtomatov. vse gre prek emulatorjev, jst naprimer ne maram kopij špilov, ampak originale, torej za dooma na telefon naložiš original .wad file, za segine špile pa .bin ali .smd. supr zadeva. poleg tega je forum ponuja downloadanje tem (ikone, ozadje) ter drugih aplikacij, antivirus, slovar, system explorer, telefon lahko predelaš v bluetooth spletno kamero itd... priporočam.

Posted By: rožica
Date Posted: 12.May.2008 at 20:15
glede metalcamp foruma se strinjam, da je dost bolj na nekem nivoju ko pa debata na paranoidu kjer se na koncu u bistvu samo šinfa vse živo.

Posted By: polopoklip
Date Posted: 29.May.2008 at 19:35
Skyscrapercity forum je super zadeva. - Confused

Posted By: frogstomp
Date Posted: 29.May.2008 at 22:30
hehe lepo da se je nekoga prijelo:) - blokci

jst namreč arhitekturno blokovska naselja občudujem, ker majo sploh v mestih kokr je kranj prav posebno funkcijo k na nek način tvorjo tako navidezno izolirno črto kjer življenje čist drugače poteka. nasploh se v meglicah rad sprehajam med njimi, pa pogledam še mal po drugih deželah kakšne majo:)


Posted By: Božo IV
Date Posted: 30.May.2008 at 08:36
Originally posted by Tonckow Tonckow wrote:

The zen of drinking alone je zakon!
Napisano je tako prepričljivo, da me je, še preden sem prebral do konca,  zagrabilo, da bi se ga nacedil (zdajle mi je na voljo le bolnišnični alkohol, kar je za pussyja mojega kova nekoliko prehudo). Doslej sem alkohol uporabljal le kot socialni lubrikant, pijansko soliranje pa bo od danes naprej pri meni uvrščeno tudi v kategorijo "načini samospoznavanja". :)

Že večkrat sem na Paranoidu težil z Blažem Ogorevcem, ta tema pa je kot nalašč, da ponovno opozorim nanj.
Nekaj zapisov, ki jih je objavil v Mladini: - - Od perdza - Brezna in vršaci umetnosti - Gospodar vseh živali na zemlji (o Idiju Aminu) - Šmarjak, pankrt slovenskih vin - Blišč in beda mesarstva - "Bizarni pisec, samohodec in razumnik" - Kurbarija, 1.del - Kurbarija, 2. del - Kurbarija, 3. del - Kurbarija, 4. del - Kurbarija, 5. del - Kako se hecajo pametni Slovenci - Janša, takrat še zagret komunist - - Okusi človeka - Okusi človeka, 2. del - Pomladni prosti spis - Skromen gizdalin (o Prešernu) - Cilj so nebesa - Pobalinske radosti - Gospod prašičev - Katra v grmovju - Nage babe so hudir - Boleče prezrta obletnica - Eksotična kulinarika, 1. del - Eksotična kulinarika, 2. del - Eksotična kulinarika, 3. del - Eksotična kulinarika, 4. del - Eksotična kulinarika, 5. del - Abortirane ribe - Rastafarijanska kuhinja

  Komur je všeč njegov slog pisanja, naj si omisli knjigo Tropska melanholija; tudi nekatere njegove pesmi niso od muh.

Zame bo žalosten dan, ko ga bo ugonobila jetrna ciroza/ljubosumna baba/katera od spolno prenosljivih bolezni...

Uč se Frogi...LOL


Posted By: Pero
Date Posted: 30.May.2008 at 09:36
Heh Frogy, k Sim City :)

Posted By: devlin
Date Posted: 07.Jun.2008 at 12:08 -
Bemetal ima na splošno kul članke.

The Optimistic Cynic: Remaining completely oblivious to the tragedy of existence." rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 09.Jun.2008 at 00:02

Branja je tule sicer malo, je pa zato zelo kul: - The Perry Bible Fellowship
Dva vzorčna primerka:

Posted By: polopoklip
Date Posted: 09.Jun.2008 at 22:58
HAHA, zakon! Verjetno se spodobi, da se omeni še - Wulffmorgenthaler .

Posted By: rožica
Date Posted: 10.Jun.2008 at 15:12

Fina tema... končno. Clap -
Par osnovnih informacij glede 'Kaosa', recimo dovolj da rata tu pa tam enmau bol jasn kakšn tekst od npr. Dissection.

Posted By: devlin
Date Posted: 12.Jun.2008 at 11:26 -

The Optimistic Cynic: Remaining completely oblivious to the tragedy of existence." rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 03.Jul.2008 at 13:33`s%20blurbs&title=Jehovas%20witness%20vs%20so%20called%20atheists - Horror vacui  :)
Pobrskajte še med ostalimi prispevki in z malo sreče  se vam prikaže palček Sm... ee... death metal Sylvester Stallone! 
Zdaj se mi je posvetilo tudi, v čem je fora "biti trgovski potnik".

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 05.Jul.2008 at 11:44 - Bodo Srbi zmagali na olimpijskem maratonu?

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 07.Jul.2008 at 22:55 - Psychodesign

"What if design stood up for itself? What if instead of bowing immediately to our demands, design gently pushed back?"

Posted By: polopoklip
Date Posted: 28.Jul.2008 at 19:22
Genialna scena precej bednega filma IMO.

[Monty standing in the men's bathroom, talking to himself in a mirror with a "FUCK YOU" written on it]
Monty Brogan: Well, fuck you, too. Fuck me, fuck you, fuck this whole city and everyone in it. Fuck the panhandlers, grubbing for money, and smiling at me behind my back. Fuck the squeegee men dirtying up the clean windshield of my car. Get a fucking job! Fuck the Sikhs and the Pakistanis bombing down the avenues in decrepit cabs, curry steaming out their pores, stinking up my day. Terrorists in fucking training. SLOW THE FUCK DOWN! Fuck the Chelsea boys with their waxed chests and pumped up biceps. Going down on each other in my parks and on my piers, jingling their dicks on my Channel 35. Fuck the Korean grocers with their pyramids of overpriced fruit and their tulips and roses wrapped in plastic. Ten years in the country, still no speaky English? Fuck the Russians in Brighton Beach. Mobster thugs sitting in cafés, sipping tea in little glasses, sugar cubes between their teeth. Wheelin' and dealin' and schemin'. Go back where you fucking came from! Fuck the black-hatted Chassidim, strolling up and down 47th street in their dirty gabardine with their dandruff. Selling South African apartheid diamonds! Fuck the Wall Street brokers. Self-styled masters of the universe. Michael Douglas, Gordon Gekko wannabe mother fuckers, figuring out new ways to rob hard working people blind. Send those Enron assholes to jail for FUCKING LIFE! You think Bush and Cheney didn't know about that shit? Give me a fucking break! Tyco! Worldcom! Fuck the Puerto Ricans. 20 to a car, swelling up the welfare rolls, worst fuckin' parade in the city. And don't even get me started on the Dom-in-i-cans, 'cause they make the Puerto Ricans look good. Fuck the Bensonhurst Italians with their pomaded hair, their nylon warm-up suits, their St. Anthony medallions, swinging their, Jason Giambi, Louisville slugger, baseball bats, trying to audition for the Sopranos. Fuck the Upper East Side wives with their Hermes scarves and their fifty-dollar Balducci artichokes. Overfed faces getting pulled and lifted and stretched, all taut and shiny. You're not fooling anybody, sweetheart! Fuck the uptown brothers. They never pass the ball, they don't want to play defense, they take five steps on every lay-up to the hoop. And then they want to turn around and blame everything on the white man. Slavery ended one hundred and thirty seven years ago. Move the fuck on! Fuck the corrupt cops with their anus violating plungers and their 41 shots, standing behind a blue wall of silence. You betray our trust! Fuck the priests who put their hands down some innocent child's pants. Fuck the church that protects them, delivering us into evil. And while you're at it, fuck JC! He got off easy! A day on the cross, a weekend in hell, and all the hallelujahs of the legioned angels for eternity! Try seven years in fuckin' Otisville, J! Fuck Osama Bin Laden, Al Qaeda, and backward-ass, cave-dwelling, fundamentalist assholes everywhere. On the names of innocent thousands murdered, I pray you spend the rest of eternity with your seventy-two whores roasting in a jet-fuel fire in hell. You towel headed camel jockeys can kiss my royal Irish ass! Fuck Jacob Elinsky, whining malcontent. Fuck Francis Xavier Slaughtery my best friend, judging me while he stares at my girlfriend's ass. Fuck Naturelle Riviera, I gave her my trust and she stabbed me in the back, sold me up the river, fucking bitch. Fuck my father with his endless grief, standing behind that bar sipping on club sodas, selling whisky to firemen, cheering the Bronx bombers. Fuck this whole city and everyone in it. From the row-houses of Astoria to the penthouses on Park Avenue, from the projects in the Bronx to the lofts in Soho. From the tenements in Alphabet City to the brownstones in Park slope to the split-levels in Staten Island. Let an earthquake crumble it, let the fires rage, let it burn to fucking ash and then let the waters rise and submerge this whole rat-infested place.
Monty Brogan: No. No, fuck you, Montgomery Brogan. You had it all, and you threw it away, you dumb fuck!

Posted By: MajTits
Date Posted: 29.Jul.2008 at 12:44


Posted By: grafin
Date Posted: 29.Jul.2008 at 14:31
đizs krajst.. kam to pelje.. :S sredn vek.. :/

se oprasicujem za oftopik :>

Posted By: plecocicho
Date Posted: 29.Jul.2008 at 14:50
Pocakte, ce bo Glanzkopf dobil se en mandat. Rocka tak ni vec na rezimski televiziji.

Following our will and wind we may go where noone has been

Posted By: polopoklip
Date Posted: 30.Jul.2008 at 18:55
Ta zadeva je preveč čoln zibajoča, da jo nebi omenil tukaj. -

Prvih 6 pisem lahko poslušate na YouTube. - Screwtape Letter 1 - Screwtape Letter 2 - Screwtape Letter 3 - Screwtape Letter 4 - Screwtape Letter 5 - Screwtape Letter 6


Posted By: devlin
Date Posted: 30.Jul.2008 at 19:07

The Optimistic Cynic: Remaining completely oblivious to the tragedy of existence." rel="nofollow">

Posted By: plecocicho
Date Posted: 31.Jul.2008 at 00:27
Sem poslusal. Zakon, sploh z glasom Johna Cleesa.Clap

Following our will and wind we may go where noone has been

Posted By: polopoklip
Date Posted: 02.Sep.2008 at 22:25 -
Ne vem ali naj zavidam takim ljudem ali naj se delam norca iz njih. :/

Posted By: rožica
Date Posted: 02.Sep.2008 at 23:46
Tole sem pa zadnjič prebral, hm...
Najboljši del se mi zdi tista z agnostiki, odlično povedano.
Najbolj čuden mi je pa intervju pri koncu ... Vse glede prerokb ... Mogoče sem premalo bral Sveto Pismo in je vse res ampak 3000 prerokb ... 1500 že izpolnjenih ... ???
In, zaboga, kje je najdel take primerjave, za celo vesolje mravelj, ter krona vsega, citiram: ''1 z 896 ničlami vesolij'', ma prosim no...

Posted By: krepitacija
Date Posted: 03.Sep.2008 at 14:28 -
da malo znižam nivo Pig

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 08.Sep.2008 at 19:53
O podnebnih spremembah še z druge plati: -
  Zdaj pa ne vem, ali naj me še vedno skrbi zaradi krav, ki izprdijo nevemkoliko metana, ali ne. Bom poskušal čutiti z Voljo Jaza(0), kako je s Tem v Resnici(0). Tudi vam (-priporočam-), da storite tako. Siromak ne premorem niti lastnega sloga.

Posted By: rožica
Date Posted: 08.Sep.2008 at 20:26
Am, ojej, v temlem zadnjem tekstu se pa najde ene par kr čudnih kiksov.
+ nekako si ne morem predstavljati, od kje so določili povprečno temperaturo zadnjih 2000 let.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 08.Sep.2008 at 22:15
Ja, v tiskani izdaji je članek izšel že prejšnji teden in v tokratni Mladini sem pričakoval kakšno ogorčeno pismo bralcev, pa nič. Mi je pa zanimiv tisti graf o temperaturah po Milankoviću (v galeriji), pojma nimam, če je res kaj na tem.
Prepričan sem, da na daljnjem vzhodu obstaja kakšen red menihov, ki je temperaturo preko dolgih stoletij čutil preko Jaza(0) in za potrebe zahodnjaške znanosti beležil svoje ugotovitve.

Posted By: plecocicho
Date Posted: 08.Sep.2008 at 22:44
Pravzaprav temeperaturo zraka dolocijo s pomocjo vzorcev ledu antarktike. Z zmrzevanjem snega se ujamejo mehurcki zraka. Iz koncentracije toplogrednih plinov (ogljikov dioksid, metan, itd) se da priblizno dolociti povprecno globalno temperaturo planeta. V clanku izjavi, da segrevanje zraka ne bo imelo posledic, se vec vecja koncentracija ogljikovega dioksida bo pripomnogla k vecji biomasi rastlin. Kak vpliv ma povisana temperatura na korale se lepo vidi z globalnim umiranjem koralnih grebenov, tako imenovanim beljenjem koral. Vecina tropskih koral ima simbiontske alge, ki zahtevajo tocno doloceni interval temperature. Ce je ta visja od optimalnih korale izlocijo svoje simbiontske alge in propadejo. Kako velika raznovrstnost  je na koralnih grebenih in njihova vloga v morskem ekosistemu je neprecenljiva. Kjer so mrtve korale vlada mrtvaska tisina. Poleg tega povecana koncentracija ogljikovega dioksida kisa morsko vodo, kar bo imelo veliko posledico za morsko zivljenje (morski organizmi so navajeni na konstantno bazicno vrednost). Vecje koncentracije ogljikovega dioksida pozitivno vplivajo na rast rastlin le do dolocene koncentracije, medtem ko visje koncentracije od te tocke omejujeo rast rastlin. Problem segrevanja ozracja in zelje nasplosno je tudi v tem , da se bodo sprostile zamrznjene zaloge metana na morskem dnu. To se je ze enkrat zgodilo v zemelski zgodovini, posledica tega je bilo povisanje povprecnew temperature zemlje za 5 do 6 stopinj celzija in 95% izumrtje vseh vrst organizmov na zemlji!
Tk da mi cel clanek deluje kot kup dreka. Mimogrede so bile ohladitve v zemelsji zgodovini, sam se niso dogajale v enem stoletju ampak v tisocih letih.

Following our will and wind we may go where noone has been

Posted By: devlin
Date Posted: 11.Sep.2008 at 13:20
Imam čas in se malo zajebavam. V sl0 gugla sem napisal Rebelde in vrglo me je na uradni forum na katerem je ljubka anketica "Koliko boste zapravili na RBD koncertu?" Tako da so men in da biz lahko že vnaprej pošteli koliko $ bodo v najslabšem primeru pokasirali.
Seveda sem si ogledal tudi rbd horrorskop in par podobnih oslarij.

The Optimistic Cynic: Remaining completely oblivious to the tragedy of existence." rel="nofollow">

Posted By: plecocicho
Date Posted: 16.Sep.2008 at 15:01 -
Po moje ma tip mal hecen fetis.

Following our will and wind we may go where noone has been

Posted By: polopoklip
Date Posted: 16.Sep.2008 at 15:25
Zgornji link me je spomnil na Candiru ribo iz reke Amazonke. -
Raje vidim, da mi medved odgrizne obraz kot pa da bi moral doživljat to grozo.

Posted By: devlin
Date Posted: 16.Sep.2008 at 18:46
Brrrrrrrrrrrr. Sem vesel da imamo samo medvede. V Kočevju.

The Optimistic Cynic: Remaining completely oblivious to the tragedy of existence." rel="nofollow">

Posted By: plecocicho
Date Posted: 16.Sep.2008 at 22:45


19 terrifying incidents involving fish

26 dead, 297 injured and two left traumatised. Matt Clarke takes a look at 19 painful incidents involving fish from the depths of the news archives...


Willy fish or Candiru might swim up your penis or vagina if you urinate in the Amazon. Picture by Takedashingen620 (Creative Commons)

We've scoured the Practical Fishkeeping news archives to dredge up some of the weird and terrifying incidents involving fish that we've covered in the past few years...

Attack of the 'willy fish'

The legendary candiru, or 'willy fish' as it sometimes less politely called, is known about well outside its native range in the freshwater rivers of the Amazon basin. These small catfish are parasites and normally live in the gills of very large catfishes, to which they're attracted by the ammonia that is excreted by the fishes' gills.

Unfortunately for bathers, gills aren't the only things that can excrete streams of ammonia into water. Humans urinating while swimming also do the same. The tiny catfish home-in on the trickle of ammonia-rich wee and swim up the victim's penis or urethra, locking themselves in place with a set of sharp hooks. Once there, they leave you in immense pain and try to - dine on your blood .

Although infamous, "attacks" by these fish are actually not thought to be particularly common. We covered the - first confirmed and documented case of the removal of one of these catfishes from a man's penis. There's also a video, and a - dramatic reconstruction of the event, if you're not too squeamish.

While candiru are normally small fish – an inch or two at most - the catfish removed in this case wasn't a little one. It measured an eye-watering six inches in length and half an inch wide! Given the choice, I think I'd personally prefer to be stung by something instead...
More: - Candiru attack

Flying fish jumps into man's eye

While numerous boaters have been - injured by Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and - sturgeons leaping out of the water, most are lucky enough to come away with just cuts and bruises. However, one patient admitted to a hospital in Guadeloupe was rather unluckier.

He was quietly enjoying the Caribbean sun when a needlefish leapt out of the sea and - impaled his eye socket . The fish tried to flap free, causing serious damage to the man's optic nerve. It eventually snapped off its beak, leaving it stuck inside the man's eye socket.

Perhaps most amazingly, the man waited five days before popping in to casualty to have the lump of bone removed from his mangled eye socket. Consequently, even after the remove of the bone fragments and a course of antibiotics he lost the sight in the affected eye...

More: - Flying fish jumps into man's eye

Steve Irwin killed by stingray

Although they're potentially dangerous, deaths by stingrays are actually relatively uncommon, so the news that television reptile expert - Steve Irwin had been killed by a Bull ray while filming off Queensland was all the more shocking.

Irwin was believed to have been snorkelling over some large rays when one of them whipped up its tail and its large, barbed venomous sting struck him in the chest – pretty much the worst possible place there is to get stung by a ray. Given the wound Irwin suffered when he was struck in the chest, there was probably little that could be done to save him.

However, research undertaken by scientists from the University of California, who examined clinical records on 119 people who had been stung by stingrays, suffering acute but non-lethal pain in the process, showed that most had pain relief within half an hour by submerging the wound in - hot water .

Stingrays are found over a very wide area and a number of commonly kept in aquariums, especially the freshwater species from South America. Research has shown that it's actually these species that give the - most painful stings , with even a small nick from the stinger enough to result in an exceptionally painful wound. Fortunately, stings from freshwater rays in the aquarium are extremely unusual because fishkeepers tend to treat them very cautiously.

More: - Steve Irwin killed by stingray


Sarpa salpa: Picture kindly supplied by David Koutsogiannopoulos

Men hallucinate after eating fish

Two men got more than they bargained for when they dined on a popular local seafish in Mediterranean restaurants in 2006. The men suffered from "terrifying" - visual and auditory hallucinations - seeing and hearing things that weren't really there - after eating the - Salema porgy, Sarpa salpa .

The fish had been eating algae containing an indole toxin with similar effects to the recreational drugs LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) and DMT (dimethyltryptamine) which left the men suffering from a rare case of - Hallucinogenic Fish Poisoning or ichthyallyeinotoxism.

Apparently, Sarpa salpa is known to be affected by this algae and was once known as the Dream fish and was even used as a recreational drug in Roman times. The men "tripped" for 36 hours after eating the fish, suffering from various hallucinations and nightmares in the days that followed...

More: - Men hallucinate after eating fish


Picture: Chris73, Creative Commons Licence.

'Salmon' kills 15 and hospitalises 115

You've got to be a little bit mad to dine on a fish like fugu that can potentially kill you. However, even eating what you believe to be salmon can be potentially deadly.

Fish suppliers in Thailand aren't legally allowed to sell puffer fish meat, as it was banned there in 2002, so some of them have been dyeing the toxic puffer fish meat and - passing it off as salmon on fish markets and restaurants to unsuspecting punters.

In the space of three years, 115 people were hospitalised after eating the puffer fish meat (which is known as fugu) and 15 were left dead. The meat contains a toxin called tetrodotoxin (TTX) which is produced by bacteria living within the fish. Miniscule quantities can be deadly and there's no antidote.

However, an active part of TTX is also a pain killer some 3000 times - stronger than morphine and this is being used to produce a new drug called Tetrodin to - help addicts come off heroin .

More: - Puffer fish sold as salmon kills 15

Diver impaled by four-foot needlefish

In 2005, 19-year old Tonga Loumouli from Hawaii was - impaled through the chest by a pointy-nosed fish while diving at night. The fish stuck its nose in his chest and then wriggle free, leaving a massive gash and one of its teeth behind.

Loumouli's friend pulled him into a dinghy and then dragged him a mile before getting help from a police officer. He was taken to hospital with a serious liver injury. While in hospital, unable to speak and attached to a ventilator he scribbled a note to his mum and sister which read "I'm going to quit diving..."

More: - Teenager attacked by a fish

Boy collapses after being stung by fish

You're not even safe if you're in the UK. One youngster, 13 year old Aaron Maughan, who was paddling in the sea at Seaton Carew in the north east of England, - collapsed after he stepped on a venomous Lesser weever fish, - Echiichthys vipera . This small fish, which reaches up to 15cm/6" in length, tends to spend much of its time sitting buried in the sand with only its small poison-laden dorsal fin spines sticking out.

Maughan said: "I'm a blackbelt in karate and have had a lot of fights, even a broken nose, but this was something else. It felt like I had stood on a nail or glass. I looked down and there were three spikes sticking out of my foot. I started to walk back to my gran up the beach, blood was dripping out, then I just collapsed."

More: - Boy collapses after being stung by fish


Picture by Springcold (Creative Commons).

Fishkeeper poisoned by dead fish

The fish don't even have to be alive to cause problems. The curator of a public aquarium in the Netherlands got - pricked by a dead porcupine puffer while conducting an autopsy on the fish and ended up getting poisoned.

A number of pricks from the spines of the pufferfish allowed the fish's body fluids, which contain the potent neurotoxin tetrodotoxin, get into his system. He survived, but suffered from paresis (a loss of movement of the limbs), paresthesias (loss of sensation), as well as a headache, dizziness and numbness.

More: - Fishkeeper poisoned by dead fish

Man attacked with stuffed fish

Nor do the fish have to be freshly dead. An American woman used a stuffed swordfish to - attack her boyfriend during an argument, leaving him with several cuts to his arms and shoulders. Ouch.

More: - Man attacked with stuffed fish


Picture by Mike Rizzo.

Piranha bites off side of man's finger


Although widely believed to be one of the most dangerous fish, according to recent research - piranhas aren't usually that dangerous , unless you catch them.

However, fishkeeper Mike Rizzo of Michigan - suffered a nasty wound when he was moving his pet sub-adult - Diamond rhombeus piranha to a new aquarium. The piranha, which is called Markov, tried to jump out of the net on the way to the new tank so Rizzo put out his hand in an attempt to block it. Unfortunately, the startled fish chomped straight into his finger, ripping off the side.

Rizzo told Practical Fishkeeping: "He got a hold of my finger damn well. He bit all the way down into my knuckle and broke the capsule my knuckle is in and chipped a piece of bone off it. The bite also went through the nerves and other stuff in my finger. At first it was extremely painful. I think that a lot of it was due to the initial shock as well as seeing the skin and flesh dangling off and seeing blood literally spurting out as my heat beat, and just forming a large pool on the floor."

More: - Piranha bites off side of man's finger

Woman badly bitten by piranhas

If you're leaving your piranhas in the care of your mum, you'd think it would be a good idea to let her know what she was dealing with. However, one mother wasn't quite so lucky and suffered a nasty wound after one of her son's "goldfish" latched on to her hand while she was cleaning out its aquarium. Doctors said she lost all of the skin from two of her fingers and was lucky not to have lost her hand in the incident.

More: - Woman badly bitten by piranhas

Statistician stung by scorpion fish

A British man who works for the Office for National Statistics was stung by a scorpion fish and nearly died while on holiday on the Greek Island of Rhodes. What are the chances of that happening?

Rod Lawson from Cumbria picked the fish up and got speared in the finger, then got jabbed again as he was putting it back in the sea. Lawson said: "[My arm] was like an elephant's trunk - four times its original size from the fingers right up to the armpit. It looked absolutely terrifying. It was very, very scary because the pain was intense and within just a short space of time I was drifting in and out of consciousness. Apparently it was touch and go for quite some time."

More: - Statistician stung by scorpion fish


Spotted eagle ray by Jean De Bosset (Creative Commons)

Woman killed by leaping eagle ray

Spotted eagle rays, - Aetobatus narinari , which can reach several metres across, don't jump out of the sea that often, so Judy Kay Zagorksi of Michigan was exceptionally unfortunate to have been hit by a 1.5m wide specimen earlier this year.

The massive ray leapt from the sea and - collided with Zagorski while she was in a boat with her family off the Florida Keys. Although the species is potentially venomous, it's thought that the weight of the fish hitting Zagorski was the cause of death in this bizarre accident.

More: - Woman killed by leaping eagle ray

600lb Marlin "attacks" angler

An 18-year old angler on a game fishing trip off Panama was - attacked by a massive 600lb Marlin after it jumped into the boat he was fishing from. Stephen Schultz was knocked to the floor and had blood pouring from his nose and mouth.

He was flown to hospital were x-rays showed that his sinus walls had been broken in four places. He also suffered an inch and a half cut in the back of his throat and had numerous lacerations inside his cheeks after the Marlin's sword smacked him in the face. The Marlin was returned alive.

More: - Fish attacks man


Blue Marlin, Makaira nigricans (Creative Commons).

Man impaled by giant fish

Ian Card was less lucky. He was fishing in an International big game fishing tournament off Bermuda when he hooked a 14' Blue marlin, - Makaira nigricans . The fish, which weighed around 360kg/800lb leapt out of the water, impaled him through the chest with its 90cm/3' long sword and jumped into the sea with him still attached.

The fish swam down deeper, but miraculously, Card managed to push himself off the sword and resurfaced 50m from the boat with blood pouring out of his chest. Amazingly, he survived.

More: - Man impaled by giant fish

Girl critically ill after eel jumps into mouth

A three-year old girl in Taiwan became critically ill after a bizarre incident involving some live eels. Her father caught a number of eels and took them home alive to cook them. While he was killing one of the eels it made a bid for freedom and - jumped into the girl's mouth , where it became lodged in her oesophagus.

Her father managed to pull the fish free, but ruptured her oesophagus in the process, resulting in surgery to fix the wounds, as well as a secondary infection.

More: - Girl critically ill after eel jumps into mouth

Swimmer chokes to death on fish

A teenager swimming in Lake Qaroun in Egypt choked to death after a fish - swam into his mouth while he was swimming. Paramedics were unable to resuscitate the man, who died before he reached the hospital.

More: - Swimmer chokes to death on fish

Puffer fish kills eight and hospitalises 170

In a single week, - eight people were killed by eating toxic puffer fish meat, while another 170 were hospitalised and survived. Cats, dogs and crows who ate the scraps also died.

140 of the people went down with puffer fish poisoning after eating a fish ball soup at a funeral in Thailand. After the meal, the guests started to vomit and were complaining of numbness of the tongue and shortness of breath. A single puffer fish contains enough toxin to kill 30 people, and there's no antidote.

More: - Puffer fish kills eight and hospitalises 170

And not a shark in sight...

Following our will and wind we may go where noone has been

Posted By: plecocicho
Date Posted: 21.Sep.2008 at 01:00
Mladina je objavila clanek z atmosferskim fizikom, ki je skeptik globalnega segrevanja. - _
Tri stvari so me zmotile pri njegovih odgovorih:
1) Z nobelovo nagrado nagrajeni icip in ZN obtozuje ustvarjanje moznosti za nastanek globalne vlade, ki bi vplivala na ves svet. Tako je misljenje amewriskih republikancev in raznih vojaskih milic. Mi kot evropejci mislimo namrec ravno obratno, bol mocan ZN bi lahko prepecili zaostritve konfliktov v svetu.
2) Njegov institut ima za najvecjega donatorja v Exxon Mobil, v nadzorne svetu instituta pa je se vec naftnih ljudi
3)Zadnj ocitek je pa strokovne narave. Fizik trdi, da povecane koncentracije ogljikovega dioksida primorejo k vecji rasti rastlin. Skozi miljone let so se rastline prilagajale k pocasnejsim spremembam tega pomembnega plina v ozracju. Ce povisujemo koncentracijo tega plina, pride kmalu tocka zasicenosti; nad to koncentracijo rast rastlin stagnira in celo zmanjsa. Poleg tega ogljikov dioksid v vecjih koncentracijah kisa morsko vodo, kar seveda ima velik vpliv na morski ekosistem. Tokrat pa je bila hitra reakcija, saj je ta intervju komentiral in na napake opozoril biolog in profesor Tom Turk.

Following our will and wind we may go where noone has been

Posted By: polopoklip
Date Posted: 21.Sep.2008 at 12:23
V tem intervjuju je omenjen dokumentarec - The Great Global Warming Swindle , v katerem komentira tudi ta možakar.
Mnenja? Kdo tukaj koga vleče za nos? Ali se v ozadju skriva boj za prevlado različnih lobijev?

Posted By: devlin
Date Posted: 21.Sep.2008 at 15:12
Originally posted by polopoklip polopoklip wrote:

Zgornji link me je spomnil na Candiru ribo iz reke Amazonke. -
Raje vidim, da mi medved odgrizne obraz kot pa da bi moral doživljat to grozo.
v bistvu.... AAAARRRRGGGHHHH; pedofish!!!

The Optimistic Cynic: Remaining completely oblivious to the tragedy of existence." rel="nofollow">

Posted By: polopoklip
Date Posted: 02.Oct.2008 at 22:34 - -
Kaj si človek lahko še želi kot večen power elektronix komad v glavi? -

Posted By: devlin
Date Posted: 02.Oct.2008 at 23:40
Originally posted by polopoklip polopoklip wrote: -

!. Kaj je že tisti film s Klincom Eastwoodom ki ga nune izkoristijo za sex sužnja...?
2. Poznam podobno foro z enim, samo da mu je plomba pritisnila na živec. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
3. Jebena hčerka, kdo jo sploh hoče gledat...

The Optimistic Cynic: Remaining completely oblivious to the tragedy of existence." rel="nofollow">

Posted By: polopoklip
Date Posted: 03.Oct.2008 at 21:42
Clint Eastwood kot veleznani ameriški igralec ali Klinc Eastwood kot kak grd/kosmat porno igralec?
V obeh primerih si pridobil moje zanimanje, zato izkašljaj malo več informacij o tem filmu.

Posted By: devlin
Date Posted: 04.Oct.2008 at 13:38
Bom šel wikipedofilat. Sicer ni pornič, je film, je pa skoraj hard, in je ko je prišel ven, sprožil cel đumbus.

The Optimistic Cynic: Remaining completely oblivious to the tragedy of existence." rel="nofollow">

Posted By: devlin
Date Posted: 04.Oct.2008 at 13:55
Ah, našel. The beguiled. Wow, sicer nisem gledal ampak je opis dokaj psiho. Pa izgleda da kljub vsemu ni tako nabit s seksualnostjo, kot z kontroverznostjo. Se spomnim da je bil enkrat leta nazaj po tv, sem mislil gledati, pa prej zaspal.
Aja, Clint Eastwood. Če bi kdaj delal v porno industriji pa sem izgleda izumil nadzakon ime. Hehe, sex is like a gun, you load, you shoot, you run.

The Optimistic Cynic: Remaining completely oblivious to the tragedy of existence." rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 10.Oct.2008 at 13:51
Zanimivo internetno gledanje/poslušanje:
Intervju z Ahmadinedžadom... pizda jih scat pelje  THUMBS UP!

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 10.Oct.2008 at 14:42
Sam to je pa res dobr.

Posted By: frogstomp
Date Posted: 11.Oct.2008 at 15:52
dans sm gledal en dokumentarc z naslovom - Are we real?" kjer je govora o kreaciji življenja in uprašanju božjega posega ali naklučja... ena najbolj norih stvari kar sm jih vidu je - conwayeva matematična igrica sestavljena iz parih algoritmov, k sprožjo nepredvidljivo, naključno obnašanje kockic, lahko si pa tud potegnete dol - tuki. jst klikam že kkšno uro pa se ne morm načudit:) - malo bolj obširno o ideji in par paternov

Posted By: plecocicho
Date Posted: 11.Oct.2008 at 23:16
V zivih bitjih je vecno evolviranje in razvijanje pravilo, ki vodi od preprostosti do kompleksnosti IN nazaj, ce slucajno kak organ, tkivo celica ni potrebna. Mislim  da lahko v zivih bitjih vidis teorijo kaosa v delovanju. Ne morem verjet, da ta prekleta kvazi znanost intilegentnega nacrta se kar hara naokoli.AngryDead

Following our will and wind we may go where noone has been

Posted By: polopoklip
Date Posted: 26.Oct.2008 at 13:11
OFTOPIKK: ali mogoče kdo pozna kakšen odlomek iz klasične slovenske literature, v katerem se nekdo znajde v situaciji, v kateri zataji/ne zataji svojo vero v boga?

Posted By: devlin
Date Posted: 26.Oct.2008 at 14:32
V Visoški kroniki Kalan starejši mora skrivati da je luteran. Poznam pa tudi eno zgodbo s Štajerske, ko je šel graščak na lov, bil poškodovan, in so ga prepustili na neki kmetiji v negovanje hčerki, seveda ko se mu stanje prične boljšati prične šmirati z njo, nato pa opazi da imajo v bajti protestantsko literaturo in mislim da se konča tako da jo ker se noče podrediti in zanikati svoje vere ter sprejeti "pravo", prepusti sodišču.
Se pa ne spomnim točno, niti ne naslova in niti ne tega kdo je to črtico napisal. Bil je pa vsekakor eden vidnejših predstavnikov slovenske literature.
Sori. Morda bi se še kaj bolj določenega spomnil od drugih avtorjev, samo se mi ne da razmišljati.

The Optimistic Cynic: Remaining completely oblivious to the tragedy of existence." rel="nofollow">

Posted By: polopoklip
Date Posted: 17.Dec.2008 at 15:45 -

The trend of increasing loudness as shown by waveform images of the same song mastered on CD four times since 1983. - Shocked

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 18.Dec.2008 at 19:28 - KLIK

Posted By: Kilroy
Date Posted: 18.Dec.2008 at 19:40
Originally posted by Sunshine Sunshine wrote: - KLIK

Eh, tko kt pr vsakmu športu :)


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 23.Dec.2008 at 01:05
Marcel Štefančič o dokumentarcih : -
"Vsi ti dokumentarci so odgovor na vse hujšo nekredibilnost in deklasiranost medijev. Pojasnjujejo nam, kako funkcionira sodobni svet, stvari vračajo v kontekst in iščejo "veliko sliko", ker mediji tega niso več sposobni."
Že, že, ampak na žalost je včasih težko ločiti med dokumentarci in "dokumentarci".

Še žametni izbor Jureta Aleksiča: -

Posted By: AishaBerg
Date Posted: 29.Dec.2008 at 21:40
k smo lih pr internetnem branju..: če kdo najde zadevo k se ji prav THE LAKE OF GEHENNA nej me rukne. kniga o ... pač omenja poimensko usakga papeža s kero kuharco pa nuno je fuku pa otroka k so ga vrgl u 'lake of gehenna'. zna bit zanimiv.

Posted By: rožica
Date Posted: 30.Dec.2008 at 02:44 -

They tore through the entirety of their sole album which only a few breaks for frontman Glen Benton to praise and incite the crowd, as well as an intermission while the security team hastily nailed the wooden stage barrier back together after we smashed it to pieces in our fervency.

Semle devam le zaradi prvega dela članka, ne albuma kot takega. Ker si potiho želim da bi tudi sam bil v tistih časih, ko niso le čakali, da glasba leakne na net in ko so okoli noreli nekateri bandi s takim materialom da adijo.Cry

In pa Zodiac killer: -

Sej sam nevem ali bi temu hudiču verjel ali ne, čuje se kot zasnova za kakšen divji triler, a vseeno... Če kdo pozna še kaj v podobnem stilu, prosim. Pa v mejah dobrega okusa. - -

Posted By: Kali
Date Posted: 10.Jan.2009 at 01:05
hehe za use tiste k radi kadite travco...različni načini zvijanja -


Iz Teme smo prišli, v Temo se vrnemo

Posted By: Hopsy
Date Posted: 10.Jan.2009 at 01:33
Originally posted by rožica rožica wrote: - Če kdo pozna še kaj v podobnem stilu, prosim. Pa v mejah dobrega okusa.

men je bil Jeffrej zmer zabaven.. -

Chicatilo je bil pa kar pošast bil še kr kul film posnet o njem, Citizen X -

ŠE malo branja: - -
pa na tej strani maš veliko o serijskih morlicih,,ful podrobno in obširno branje..zanimivo :P -

... Each morning when I awake, I experience again a supreme pleasure - that of being Hopsy ...

Posted By: rožica
Date Posted: 10.Jan.2009 at 02:12
Eddie would remain at the mental institution for the rest of his life where he spent his days happily and comfortably. Schechter describes him as the model patient.

Juhu. Nafilaš hišo s trupli, narediš kakšn koš za smeti al pa obleko iz kože pa si preskrblen. Namesto metka v glavo. S tem se še kar ne morem strinjat, spornost smrtne kazni gor ali dol.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 23.Jan.2009 at 18:20
Haha, ne morem verjet, kakšni wosli! :)
Policija Vs. Vojnović: -

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 29.Jan.2009 at 13:52 - Starcraft Course opened for college - earn credits

Posted By: goomar
Date Posted: 30.Jan.2009 at 12:58
Originally posted by Tonckow Tonckow wrote: - Starcraft Course opened for college - earn credits

Končno neki pametnega!

Forget about it!

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 19.Mar.2009 at 12:25 - Why we think it's OK to cheat and steal (predavanje, 16 min)

Posted By: wucko
Date Posted: 19.Mar.2009 at 22:26
Originally posted by Tonckow Tonckow wrote: - Horror vacui  :)
Pobrskajte še med ostalimi prispevki in z malo sreče  se vam prikaže palček Sm... ee... death metal Sylvester Stallone! 
Zdaj se mi je posvetilo tudi, v čem je fora "biti trgovski potnik". -
Ekola še RSS za Horror Vacui :D

Posted By: Kali
Date Posted: 17.May.2009 at 19:29
dobr sej nevem kok bo to kj je...gre se za lepotno tekmovanje transvetitov na poglejte fotke pa mi proooosm povejte če kdo v tem vid tipa (pa odmislte adamovo jabolko k se na enih slikah drugih pa spet ne) -

Iz Teme smo prišli, v Temo se vrnemo

Posted By: puzavnar
Date Posted: 17.May.2009 at 19:52
jst widm sam dobre babe,ermm dedce.
fuck čist nč se ne opaz
sam tist kader pri 25 ko pokaže občinstvo za pol sekunde je mal disturbing

taprav desc ma orodje pod streho
jst ne spim,jest komiram
izjava dneva od gurija
now telefon me your number bithes

Posted By: plecocicho
Date Posted: 17.May.2009 at 20:17
Ja saj pravijo, da na tajskem transvestita prepoznas sam po tem, da se prevec pretirano zensko obnasa. pa po jabolku mogoc. Sam so pa ene prav res zelo lustna in seksi osebe.

Following our will and wind we may go where noone has been

Posted By: polopoklip
Date Posted: 22.May.2009 at 16:35
The original controversy that surrounded the film's release was the belief that Cannibal Holocaust was an actual http:// - snuff film , or that the actors were - murdered in order to film their deaths for the movie. The film was confiscated ten days after its premiere in Milan, and Deodato was arrested. -

Carantanians were the first Slavic people to accept - Christianity from the West. -

Tape loops are - loops of prerecorded - magnetic tape used to create repetitive, rhythmic musical patterns or dense layers of sound. - -

True Chicago-style pizza features a buttery crust, generous amounts of - cheese and chunky - tomato sauce . -

Posted By: devlin
Date Posted: 22.May.2009 at 19:58
Originally posted by polopoklip polopoklip wrote:

The original controversy that surrounded the film's release was the belief that Cannibal Holocaust was an actual http:// - snuff film , or that the actors were - murdered
in order to film their deaths for the movie. The film was confiscated
ten days after its premiere in Milan, and Deodato was arrested.

Meni je bil všeč. Seveda si lastim uncut verzijo, tako kot si jo je zamislil režiser. Da veliko zanimivih smernic za razmišljanje .

The Optimistic Cynic: Remaining completely oblivious to the tragedy of existence." rel="nofollow">

Posted By: polopoklip
Date Posted: 22.May.2009 at 22:57
Tudi mene je ta film presenetil v pozitivnem smislu, saj sem pričakoval še en generičen horror/slasher film. Zgodba in način kako je bil film posnet = naravnost FAPtastično.
Female TV Executive: Today people want sensationalism; the more you rape their senses the happier they are.

Posted By: polopoklip
Date Posted: 22.May.2009 at 23:03 -

/me umira od smeha.

Posted By: polopoklip
Date Posted: 29.Aug.2009 at 19:59
This blows my mind on so many levels.

Posted By: Person-man
Date Posted: 29.Aug.2009 at 20:01
Jarmusch ... in njega mam za enega izmed najbolj originalnih oseb v filmski industriji Big%20smile

------------- - KiborgSpužva Büking™ FB pejđ - Profanity fuckzine
I party with lemons

Posted By: rožica
Date Posted: 01.Sep.2009 at 16:08 -
par zanimivih, škoda sicer za štosen nabor filmov.

ali še kdo uporablja twitter, da se zalaga z internetnim materialom za branje/poslušanje/občudovanje? - -

Posted By: polopoklip
Date Posted: 01.Sep.2009 at 16:14
Twitter? Daj povej kaj več o tem. Za kaj je to uporabno?

Posted By: rožica
Date Posted: 01.Sep.2009 at 16:35
am neke vrste minibloganje, uporabnik šiba na svoj profil sporočila, omejena s 140 znaki. Ko si ustvariš svoj profil, lahko po mili volji izbiraš, komu boš sledil in se ti bojo posledično njegova sporočila prikazovala na tvojem profilu da jih boš lahko čekiral brez da bi za vsako obiskoval njegov profil. Če sam pišeš, ti sledijo pa drugi (ni pa to nujno potrebno).
Jaz uporabljam zadevo tako, da tu pa tam preletim in kliknem kar diši po zanimivem. in se vsakega toliko časa najde kaj pametnega. škoda sicer da se v Sloveniji stvar ni prijela kot bi se lahko (ali pa imam samo tak občutek).
In kot povsod na internetu je tudi tu treba prekleto dobro odbrati zrna od plev.
resne - -
in malo manj resne - -
itd itd itd

čeprav sem na začetku bil skeptičen okoli vsega moram reči da sploh ni slabo, le avtorje OK prispevkov je treba najti. Npr. za aktualno dogajanje v Iranu je še tudi pred kratkim obstajal profil, kjer so informacije letele gor večkrat na uro, ko so vladale izredne razmere ...

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 02.Sep.2009 at 00:27
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